Portfolio Slicer workbook
Portfolio Slicer Excel workbook has in total 14 worksheets. First 3 worksheets are "src", "srcSymbol" and "srcTrans" and they contain multiple tables where you will be entering data about your investments (here abbreviation src comes from word "source") . Other 11 worksheets contain multiple reports about your investments.

- "src" worksheet - contains input tables "Config", "Account", "Report Currency", "Allocation". It also contain system tables "TransType", "XIRR" & "Report".
- "srcSymbol" worksheet - contains input tables "Symbol", "Symbol Sector" and "Symbol Alias".
- "srcTrans" worksheet - contains table "Trans" (Transactions).
- "Dashboard" worksheet - contains dashboard reports about your investments. These reports lets you quickly see how your investments doing over the last business day/month/year.
- "Daily" worksheet - contains reports that show how your investments changed over last x days (some reports how 12 days, other 20 or 30 days).
- "Monthly" worksheet - contains reports that show how your investments changed over the last 13 months.
- "Yearly" worksheet - contains reports that show how your investments changed over the last 5 years. Please note that yearly reports are most time consuming to calculate, that is why this worksheet has additional slicer "Years-Current" that by default is set to show just current year data. If you want to see more years of data then remove filter from this slicer (Click SHIFT+("No" value and then "Yes" value).
- "Holdings" worksheet - contains report about your current holdings. If you will select any value on "Year" or "Month In Year slicer, then you will see holdings for that date selection.
- "Dividends" worksheet - contains multiple reports about dividends received.
- "Deposits" worksheet - contains reports about deposits and withdrawals.
- "TransInfo" worksheet - contains reports with detail transaction information.
- "Sales" worksheet - contains reports about your sales of investments.
- "Fees" worksheet - contains reports about fees you paid on your investments.
- "DivGen" worksheet - contains reports about generated dividends.
Interacting with Portfolio Slicer reports
Most interaction with pre-built Portfolio Slicer reports should be done using Excel Slicers. At the top and/or the left side of each Portfolio Slicer report worksheet you will see horizontal or vertical slicers that lets you adjust reports on that page. For example, Dashboard page has 3 slicers “Account”, “ReportCurrency” and “Portfolio”:

When “Account” slicer does not have any filter applied, then reports will show data for investments in all accounts. If you want to see same reports just for one or few selected accounts, then all you have to do is select these accounts in the slicer and all reports will be recalculated for your selection.
Slicer for “ReportCurrency” allows you to see same report calculated in different currency. As soon as you select any currency value all reports on that page are recalculated by applying currency exchange rates to any investments/transactions that were done in different currency. If you select “Original” currency, or no filter for this slicer, then Portfolio Slicer will not do any currency conversion. If you have all investments in one currency, then this will not cause any issues. But if you have investments in different currencies, then reports without currency conversion will not make sense.